Scientific Commettee
EXPO Donna 2019
Official language The official languages are Italian and English in simultaneous translation Deadline Registration deadline and submission and abstract for Panels 6th March 2019 |
Palazzo Paolo V, Corso Garibaldi 145 - 82100 Benevento (Italy)
PALAZZO PAOLO V // Corso Garibaldi 145, Benevento ![]()
Monday 18th March 2019
h. 10,00 Sala dell’antico Teatro - The ancient Theater Room - Palazzo Paolo V
Opening Conference - Plenary Session
h. 10,00 Sala dell’antico Teatro - The ancient Theater Room - Palazzo Paolo V
Opening Conference - Plenary Session
Francesco Cappetta, Prefect of Benevento
Antonio Di Maria, President of Province of Benevento
Clemente Mastella, Mayor of Benevento
Filippo de Rossi, Rector of the University of Sannio
Antonio Campese, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Benevento
Riccardo Cotarella, President of the World Oenologist Association
Filippo Liverini, President of Confederation Benevento
Rossella Del Prete, University of Sannio
Made in Italy: excellences that withstand crises
Luisa Todini
Chairmain of Leonardo Committee
Tasting Falanghina of Sannio European City of Wine
Wednesday 20th March 2019
h. 10,30 Palazzo Paolo V
h. 10,30 Palazzo Paolo V
A1. – Sala dell’antico Teatro - The ancient Theater Room
Talking Entrepreneurship: Teaching and Researching Entrepreneurship at MisTer En-Lab
Coordinator: Gilda Antonelli, University of Sannio
- Olimpia Meglio, University of Sannio
Teaching Entrepreneurship
- Angelo Riviezzo, University of Sannio
Is a business forever? Investigating the keys to lasting success
- Ioanna Mitrakos, Confindustria Benevento
Running a family business
- Ambra Altavilla, CERME
Father-Daughter integenerational transition
- Concetta Fornaro, Le Officine di Herero srl
Agriculture and Local Development
- Mariano Carpentieri, DANAM
Start-Up and Business Model
- Gilda Antonelli, University of Sannio
Start-Up and gender skills
A.2 – Sala Rossa - Red Room
Female Entrepreneurship: Internal Areas and Internationalization
Coordinator: Elisa Forte, Nuova Irpinia
- Daniela Grignoli, University of Molise
Female Entrepreneurship: the Italian Case
- Federica Vozzella, Desmon/Middleby
Great distribution and food service: the role of female manager
- Nunzia Petrosino, Condor SpA
The social partners committement for services to enterprises and workers
- Maria Grazia Villano, Confindustria Avellino
Relation with schools, business culture and generational transition: the role of young female entrepreneurs
- Clementina Donisi, Confindustria Benevento
Customization and skills: the future challenge
- Rosaria Ammaturo, La 91 Petroli srl
Oil: not just a men's affair
- Antonella Fusco, CNA
Women made: female creativity becomes business
- Olga Visone, Le Comari Bag
The E-Commerce as innovation and spreading tool
- Claudia Cioffi, Edizioni Primavera
Female publishing: culture of enteprise and enterprise of culture
A.3 – Sala Santa Caterina - Saint Catherine Room
University and Territory: Female Network between researching and entrepreneurship
Coordinator: Maria Rosaria Pelizzari, University of Salerno
- Alessandra Pedone, Female Committee Confindustria Salerno
Task: induction training. Innovative models for in-company training
- Loredana Incarnato, University of Salerno
R&I Peers: European Project to promote gender equality in research organizations
- Antonia Autuori, Autuori Shipping and Forwarding Salerno
The contribution of Women in the Business Association. An experience
- Biagio Simonetti, University of Sannio
The role of Women in economic development: Quantitative Aspects
- Melania Gentile, Olearia Duraccio Srl
Olive Oil between the food and cosmetic sectors
- Virginia Nappo, Municipality of Ottaviano
The role of Women in Public Administration
- Elena Ruggiero Rubino, Lawyer
Identity, rights and protection of Women
- Patrizia Colagiovanni, ARAN
Woman and Manager in Public Administration
- Raffaella Femìa, BPW Europe Lobby and Advocacy Policy Advisor
Women and enterprise: to a legitimacy policy?
h.13,30 Light Lunch
h. 16,00 Sala dell’antico Teatro - The ancient Theater Room - Palazzo Paolo V
Plenary Session - Opening Ceremony
h. 16,00 Sala dell’antico Teatro - The ancient Theater Room - Palazzo Paolo V
Plenary Session - Opening Ceremony
Caterina Mazzella, National President FIDAPA BPW Italy
Pinella Bombaci, BPW European Coordinator
Alida Perkov, Chair AdrionNet
Francesco Cappetta, Prefect of Benevento
Antonio Di Maria, President of the Province of Benevento
Clemente Mastella, Mayor of Benevento
Antonio Campese, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Benevento
Filippo Liverini, President of Confederation Benevento
Filippo de Rossi, Rector of the University of Sannio
Antonio Felice Uricchio, Rector University of Bari
Floriano Panza, Sannio European City of Wine
Jasen Mesić, Ambassador of Croatia
Rossella Del Prete, University of Sannio
Round Table
Women and entrepreneurship: meritocracy, seriousness, professionalism
Coordinator: Gilda Antonelli, University of Sannio
Celeste Condorelli, Vice President Advisory Board Sud, Unicredit
Mariella Triolo, National Vice President CNA Impresa donna
Cinzia Leone, Project manager University of Genova
Alessandra Pedone, Confindustria Salerno
Anna Pezza, Confindustria Benevento
Chiara Voliani, 24.11 DISTRIBUZIONE
Linda Laura Sabbadini, Research Executive of ISTAT
h. 18,30 Networking cocktail
h. 19,00 Visit to the Site Unesco – Church and Cloister of Saint Sophia
h. 20.30 Social Dinner
h. 19,00 Visit to the Site Unesco – Church and Cloister of Saint Sophia
h. 20.30 Social Dinner
Thursday 21th March 2019
h. 09.00-11.00 Parallel Sessions/Panels
Female entrepreneurship: Queen Quality, an example of "royal" women's leadership A.1 - Sala Rossa - Red Room
Women on Boards
Coordinator: Eufemia Ippolito, BPW Legal Advice Taskforce Chair - BPW Europe Member group “Women on Boards”
- Cinzia Mastantuono, Queen Quality
Female entrepreneurship: Queen Quality, an example of "royal" women's leadership
- Karin Raguin, BPW Europe Past Coordinator - Talent Manager Christian Dior Couture
Launch of the campaign: Boards With Women
- On. Cristina Rossello, President Project “Women and Future”
Effects of Law 120/2011 and extension for three mandates
- Marisa Valleri, University of Bari
Effects of the law on gender quotas and economic performance
- Lella Ruccia, National Responsible Group “Teaming up”
Role of Women's training in the Boards - Presentation Short Master "Women on Boards"
- Eufemia Ippolito, BPW Legal Advice Taskforce Chair - BPW Europe Member group “Women on Boards”
Law 120/2011 Italy an example to follow - Increase awareness knowledge of European Resolution "Women on Boards"
A.2 - Sala Santa Caterina - Saint Catherine Room
Business and Professional Young Women
Coordinator: Alice Minuto, Responsible Trading Unit Duferco Commerciale SpA
Anastasia Chalkidou, Business & IT Solutions
Lucrezia Delli Veneri, Kinetès Srl
Konstantina Sofikiti, Young BPW Athens Representative
Ela Ismailova Enara, University of Uzbekistan
Laura De Figlio, Atelier Emè
Ilaria Minichiello, Azienda Agricola Maria Ianniciello
Stefania Crovella, Boda Evo Società Isola Srl
Anna Maria Mercurio, Game People
Anna Maria Crupi, Maraglà Art for Fashion by Maria Grazia Nicchiotti
A.3 –Sala dell’antico Teatro - The ancient Theater Room
Entrepreneurship, Empowerment, Policies and Projects
Coordinator: Ilaria Zilli, University of Molise
Hilde Hoefnagels, Artesis Plantijn Hogeshool, Antwerpen
Patrizia Iannelli, Torre d’Oriente
Enza Palmieri, Terziario Donna - ConfCommercio Benevento
Teresa D’Alessio, International Food Consultant
Marina Forleo, University of Molise
Nadia Palmieri, University of Molise
Marina Corazziari, Unique Jewels Handmade by Marina Corazziari
Francesca Ibelli, Pastai Sanniti
Pasqualina Nazzaro, Antica Gioielleria La Preziosa
h. 11,00 Coffee break
h. 11,30-13,30 Parallel Sessions/Panels
h. 11,30-13,30 Parallel Sessions/Panels
B.1 - Sala dell’antico Teatro - The ancient Theater Room
Women Network and Professional Organizations
Coordinator: Alida Perkov, Chair AdrionNet
- Nellina Basile, BPW AdrionNet committee member, Italy
BPW Twinning as a tool for efficient Networking in BPW AdrionNet
- Giuseppina Seidita, BPW AdrionNet committee member Italy
The importance of fostering Networking in BPW International
- Annamaria Pastoressa, BPW AdrionNet committee member Italy
Women Network and professional organization BPW AdrionNet
- Doris Sošić, BPW AdrionNet committee member, Croatia
Connection of Women Network and professional organizations good practice Croatia
- Mojca Tavčar Benčić, BPW AdrionNet committee member, Croatia
Application of BPW AdrionNet in EUSAIR Regional Projects: case study Croatia
- Izabela Vitasović, BPW AdrionNet committee member, Croatia
Women Networking for wine, olive oil and local products producers for growth and development
B.2 - Sala Rossa - Red Room
Women Representatives
Coordinator: Rosaria Bruno, Regional Observatory Chairman against violence against women
Franca Cipriani, National Equality Councilor
Pia Petrucci, Past National President BPW Italy
Sara Furno, Chairman Women committee Municipality of Benevento
Marta Catuogno, Vice President AIDDA (Associazione Italiana Donne Dirigenti d’Azienda)
Annarita De Blasio, Chair CNA Benevento
Maria Carmela Serluca, University of Sannio
Loredana Tullio, President CUG University of Molise
Antonello Vitolo, Fleurs Consulting Women@Work
Georgeta Al Masri, Provincial Responsible ACLI
B.3 - Sala Santa Caterina - Saint Catherine Room
Women, Leadership, Entrepreneurship in Europe
Coordinator: Mari Kooskora, Director of EBS Centre, Estonian Business School
- Mari Kooskora, Director of EBS Centre, Estonian Business School
Young, Estonian and Female - a leader of the new generation
- Sylwia Sadowska, State University of Applied Sciences, Nowi Sacz, Poland
The situation of Women in Polish culture including labour regulations
- Patrizia Battilani, University of Bologna
The female style of running hospitality enterprises: a longitudinal analysis
- Ruta Kavaliunaite, UAB Campania, Lithuania-Italy
Women participation in labour market: what are the obstacles? The Italian case
- Aida Macerinskiene, Dean of Faculty of Economics, University of Vilnius
The role of female leaders in Lithuania
- Gintare Paulauskaite, Coordinator for International Studies, University of Vilnius
Professional Business Women in Lithuania
- Rossella Del Prete, University of Sannio
European perspectives on female entrepreneurship
h. 13,30 Light Lunch
h. 15,30 Palazzo Paolo V, Sala del Consiglio - Council Room
h. 15,30 Palazzo Paolo V, Sala del Consiglio - Council Room
II Forum AdrionNet
Forum Opening Ceremony
Caterina Mazzella, National President BPW Italy
Giuseppina Bombaci, BPW Europe Coordinator
Alida Perkov, AdrionNet Chair
Eufemia Ippolito, AdrionNet National Coordinator BPW Italy
Joanna Lagoumidou, AdrionNet National Coordinator BPW Greece
Doris Sosic, AdrionNet National Coordinator BPW Croatia
Giusy Porchia, South-West District President
h. 17,00 Conclusion
Round Table
Promote and enhance the skills of female leadership in organizations,
in politics and in the world of work
Coordinator: Diletta Capissi, Il Mattino
Cinzia Dato, University of Molise
Annamaria Alois, "Annamaria Alois" San Leucio
Carla Aramo, National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Section of Naples
Paola Pastore, Business Intermediary
Antonella Pagano, Cultural Entrepreneur
On. Cristina Rossello, Chamber of Deputies, Italian Republic
Sen. Sandra Lonardo, Senate of the Italian Republic
h. 18,15 Visit to the Historic Center of the City
h. 21,00 Gala Dinner and Candle Night